Author: Pr. kalungi Denis November 19, 2021 1707 views 5 comments
Fig: A picture representing “AT THE PERFECT TIME”.

At the perfect time God will make it, from God’s mouth to Isaiah a little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time {Isaiah 60:22}.” The lord was questioning Isaiah to make it clear to you and me that we should wait upon him. “Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves? 

it's on record it took David 13 years to become a king after he was anointed a king because he was 17 yrs. see herein 2 Samuel 5:4 records the time David was anointed as the king of Israel. The passage states that David was 30 years old when he became king of Israel. Saul resisted for 13 years but when the right time came David become a king.

I talk to you today, when the right time comes your saul will be nothing keep waiting and trusting in the lord for your redeemer lives this was recorded by job see herein {Job 19:25}.

The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act]and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance {2 peters 3:9}. The Lord is a father and he would like to give us more and more but he also searches the hearts and our ability to swallow the pride at the age of 4yrs I could not handle ministry.

David had to wait for 13 yrs of chastening, God had to burn all the ego in him while preparing him for the bigger sit of kingship surprisingly David did not ask God why? simply because he knew had come from kraal and he wanted training for the seat of kingship. wait for the perfect time!

Maturity to yield righteousness is not a one day process but herein we see the Lord’s promise to Isaiah “Also your people shall all be righteous; they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified {Isaiah 60:21}. God is much interested in working for you and me because when he works the glory will be into him but at times people lose the point.

 In the above view, God will keep it and keep it till you reach that maturity he desires then he will give it to your see herein {Ezekiel 21:27} a ruin, a ruin, I will make it a ruin! It shall no longer exist until He comes whose right it is [to reign], and I will give it to Him.’ God is patiently waiting for you to bear the fruit of righteousness such that he can make a nation, a minister.

 From the above phrase do we see the need to change our motives see herein {James 4:3} you ask [God for something] and do not receive it, because you ask with wrong motives [out of selfishness or with an unrighteous agenda], so that [when you get what you want] you may spend it on your [hedonistic] desires? If you change your motives and ask with the aim of glorying God below is what will happen:

When Abraham tried to hurry the plan of God and fulfill it through human effort, Ishmael was born. We all have our “Ishmael's”—a good idea that wasn’t a God idea. And it can complicate your life. So God told Abraham, “Cast out the slave woman and her son(Galatians 4:30).” In other words: let it go. 

There comes a time when God says, “Because of the plans I have for you, you must put this thing out of your life.” And that’s not easy. But you have only two options: Be led by your emotions and miss out on God’s best, or say, “As much as I love this person or thing, I love the Lord more. When you’re willing to walk away from something because you love God more, you position yourself to experience a new level of His blessing. Is God speaking to you about something similar in your life? If so, let it go!

The process above has additions and subtractions, putting something off and putting something in but this what the lord says herein {Joel 2:25} “And I will compensate you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust— my great army which I sent among you. “You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God Who has dealt wondrously with you, and my people shall never be put to shame.

“Let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” {Galatians 6:9}. In the waiting room of life, you can choose to trust God instead of panicking. You also need to remember two things: One, God is never in a hurry. And two, God is never late. God’s timing is always perfect. 

What happens in those times where it appears that God is late? God is getting you ready for a miracle! 

There are so many examples of this in Scripture, including the story of Lazarus {John 11:1-25}. Mary and Martha had a brother named Lazarus, who was one of Jesus’ best friends. They lived in Bethany, which was just a few miles from where Jesus was on the day Lazarus got sick. They sent word to Jesus that his friend was gravely ill and asked him to come to them. 

He could have easily been in Bethany in an hour or two. But it took Jesus three days to go about five miles. When he got there, they told him, “You’re too late! We’ve already buried Lazarus.” 

Jesus wasn’t late. Because Jesus already knew what he was going to do? His goal was not to heal Lazarus. His goal was to raise him from the dead. Jesus’ goal was not to just make Lazarus well. His goal was to do a miracle of astronomical proportions

Jesus walked up to Lazarus’ tomb, told them to roll the stone away, and said, “Lazarus, come forth.” And Lazarus did! Sometimes foreverGod lets a situation get so bad that only a miracle will do. Don’t give up your faith. Hold on. Keep praying and serving and going to small groups. Keep sowing. Keep believing. Because you’re getting ready for a miracle.

God already knows what he’s going to do in your life next month, next year, and in the next decade, and his plan for you is good.

At the perfect time, God is going to repay whatever you have lost in the chastening process of bearing righteousness

God bless you.


Mukhaye Norah   -   

November 27, 2021
So encouraging

Pr. Denis kalungi    -   

November 27, 2021
@Norah glory be to God

Kobusinge Grace   -   

November 27, 2021
Very outsanding message praise be to God.

Gloria   -   

April 25, 2022
Perfect timing Wow so amazing 👏 Lord of all Glory may your will be done in me plz nt according to how n wen I need it bt may your perfect will be done I glorify your name

Kyomuhangi Lydia   -   

May 5, 2022
Thanks for this message,I now know that maturity in righteousness, patient, obedience are the most key things that will lead me to God's timing.Be blessed